The behaviour of matter and energy at the smallest scales is described by the fundamental physics theory known as quantum mechanics. Quantum entanglement is among the most fascinating and mysterious quantum mechanical phenomena. The correlation between two or more previously interacting particles, where the condition of one particle is dependent on the state of the other even though they are separated by great distances, was initially proposed by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen in 1935. In this article, we will explore the theory of quantum entanglement, its implications for our understanding of the nature of reality, and the recent Nobel Prize awarded for research in this field.
The Theory of Quantum Entanglement?
Understanding the idea of superposition, a key aspect of quantum mechanics, is essential for understanding quantum entanglement. The capacity of a quantum system to exist in numerous states simultaneously is known as superposition. For example, an electron can exist in multiple positions at the same time until it is observed or measured, at which point its wave function collapses and it is found to be in a specific position.
Two particles can become entangled, which indicates that their wave functions are linked, when they interact with one another. These states are superposed, leading to this entanglement. Consider two entangled particles A and B as an example. When particle B interacts with particle A when it is in a superposition of two states, the state of particle B is entangled with the state of particle A. The wave functions of the two particles are now correlated, and they are both in a superposition of states. This means that regardless of the distance between them, if we measure the state of particle A, we can immediately determine the condition of particle B.
This instant correlation between entangled particles, regardless of their distance, is known as "spooky action at a distance," a term coined by Einstein to describe the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Einstein was uncomfortable with the idea of entanglement and believed that there must be some "hidden variables" that determined the behavior of entangled particles, rather than the seemingly random behavior described by quantum mechanics. However, subsequent experiments have confirmed the reality of quantum entanglement and shown that it cannot be explained by hidden variables.
Implications of Quantum Entanglement
The concept of quantum entanglement has major implications for how we perceive reality. It casts doubt on our traditional understanding of cause and consequence and makes the case that the cosmos may be fundamentally interconnected. It has been compared to teleportation that entangled particles can instantly communicate with one another no matter how far apart they are.
Quantum communication is one possible use for quantum entanglement. Communication and encryption could be revolutionised by the ability to rapidly send information over great distances without the need for physical connections. Quantum computing is yet another potential application. By utilising the characteristics of entangled particles, quantum computers could do some calculations significantly quicker than conventional computers.
Nobel Prize in Physics 2022
In 2022, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three physicists, Rainer Blatt, Ignacio Cirac, and Peter Zoller, for their work on quantum entanglement and quantum computing. Blatt and Zoller were recognized for their experimental work on trapping and manipulating ions, which demonstrated the feasibility of quantum computing using trapped ions. Cirac was recognized for his theoretical work on the properties of entangled particles and their potential applications in quantum computing.
Blatt and Zoller's experiments involved trapping ions in an electromagnetic field and manipulating their states using lasers. They demonstrated that it was possible to entangle two ions and perform simple quantum computations using trapped ions.
Author - Jaya Sodhani